Sabtu, 29 Mei 2010

dog’s story


Hachiko- a dog’s story, in a movie starred by Richard Gere as Profesor Parker , was told that he met a lost puppy around the Bedbride train station. He moved around asking people wheter they knew about the puppy but they did not. Everyone call Hachi as a mystery dog because he never really knew where he came from, maybe he jumped from somebody truck or escape from dog’s town. He’s an adorable and fabulous puppy. At the first time he doubt to keep it but he still carried it home to rest his mind but on the contrary his wife didn’t want to keep it. Time went by his wife and daughter took a fancy to it. Hachi always waited his master Prof Parker in front of Bedridge Station for his work arrival at 5 pm. Two years his master took care of him until Prof Parker died Hachi still doing his amazing habbit await for his master in front of Bedbride Station.

Have you ever heard about the some great amazing stories. Probably that story experienced by yourself perhaps also with others, it could be from news from TV or newspapers. Story that happened motivate us to understand something.

The real hachiko was born in Odate Japan 1923.When his master Dr.Eisaburo Ueno, a professor at Tokyo University died in may 1925, his master took care of him for 2 years. Hachi returned to the Sibuya Train Station the next day and for the next nine years to wait. Hachiko died in march 1935. Today a bronze statue of Hachiko sits in his waiting spot outside the Sibuya Railroad Station.

A piece of story above tells us about loyality that showed by a dog , in my humble opinion this amazing stories inspire us to give something to others to tell with humble and dignity. If you have a pet take care of him with your love and she or he will reply your affection with love. Syalom 

Click Here for Dog Training, Dog Obedience, Dog Nutrition/Health, Dog Breeding.!

Sabtu, 27 Februari 2010


Click Here!

At the beginning ,honestly I don’t believe that only by joining others hands to someone body that ill I can heal…… Mr.TJIPTADINATA EFFENDI said on his book of REIKI APLICATION in Healing Ourself and Others , Published by PT.ELEX MEDIA KOMPUTINDO GROUP of GRAMEDIA – JAKARTA.

By reading this book we are brought to understand REIKI, many people ask about the reiki relation to the religion. He said that reiki is not a religion or kinds of believes and free of dogma and more extreme “spells”. There a suggestion to pray according to the believes before starting reiki. I think this book will help us to understand reiki, I guess its nothing bed to collect the book like this.

see this for details Click Here!

He was born in Japanese Era , May 21st 1943 in Padang, West Sumatra. He married in 1965 and blessed with 2 son and 1 daugther. He had ever been a teacher,private sector employees, land products exporter. He enjoyed successfulness, for every years he spent holiday with his family abroad. Finally dry season for his life, only in a short time he lose everything, he got depression, loses his weight, desease nest in his body, sinusitis going worse, maag caused haemorrahage to stomach and groaned the heart, vertigo, eye sick ,etc.

Rabu, 16 September 2009

Bencana Indonesia

Pada bulan mei 2006 beberapa hari sebelum terjadi gempa dahsyat dengan kekuatan 5,9 SR, beberapa orang bahkan banyak orang melihat tanda alam berupa awan putih kecil memanjang yang melintang di atas daerah klaten dan memanjang ke arah barat laut kota yogya, saat itu beberapa orang berusaha melihat dan memahami jenis awan tersebut, dan beberapa anak-anak kecil bertanya kepada orang tuanya tentang hal tersebut dan orang tua mereka sambil tersenyum menjawab pertanyaan anak mereka kalau awan kecil itu adalah jalan satelit dan ada juga yang menjawab awan itu sebagai cambuk Tuhan. Beberapa media lokal segera mengkonfirmasi fenomena alam tersebut ke Badan Meteorologi Geofisika dan menyatakan kalau awan tersebut adalah jenis awan cirrus yang memang jenis awan yang berada jauh lebih tinggi dari awan-awan yang lain.
Dari cerita di atas saya tidak bermaksud mengatakan kalau semua bencana harus didahului dengan tanda awan cirrus yang memanjang, tetapi yang saya mau sampaikan di Blog ini bahwa ada juga jenis awan yang sama yang nampak pada hari minggu sekitar siang hari di atas langit, diatas gunung merapi memanjang ke sebelah timur dan berlangsung hanya sebentar , lalu beberapa minggu kemudian terjadilah Gempa bumi di Tasikmalaya Jawa Barat pada tanggal 2 September 2009 pukul 14.55 dengan kekuatan 7,3 Scala Richter. Waktu saya melihat awan itu saya berfikir apa yang akan terjadi dengan tanda itu, "apakah jawa timur atau bali".Mungkin anda punya cerita atau pengalaman yang dahsyat berbeda dengan saya tentang pratanda alam sebelum terjadi gempa bumi atau bencana yang lain...mungkin.
Saya berfikir bahwa mungkin setelah Jawa atau Indonesia mungkin bencana lain akan datang ke negara-negara lain selain Indonesia. Ini tak akan terhentikan, yang dibutuhkan adalah kebijakan kita dalam menghadapi peristiwa yang pahit.

Selasa, 08 September 2009

ikan kotes

memancing adalah kegiatan yang menyenangkan dan menarik, walaupun dapat ikan yang kecil tapi sudah cukup untuk mengobati rasa stress. dasyat ikan kotes segede gabus .... hebat